Just for today...
Well, the fact that I'm writing to you today must mean that we survived the past week. Whew! It sure was a wild one.
As a trauma survivor, I've noticed some surprising sensations in my body and emotions today. Beginning with a bit of a "freeze" response; then, wondering if it's okay to relax after so much time of holding; and finally, starting to think that it may just be safe enough now to take a deep breath. For real.
In... and... out...
This doesn't mean the work is over and it's all good times from here on out. Far from it!
Now that there's the possibility of a break from the daily attacks on justice, we might have the energy to make real change.
May we resolve to face the painful history of harms and move toward healing, even though the process may not be easy or quick.
Just for today, I'm choosing to breathe more deeply. I'm letting my shoulders relax after they've hugged my ears for too long. And I'm going to let my heart feel the joy of hope.
May our world be peaceful.
May those who have the least be comforted the most.
And may we choose to dance with courageous love.
Sending you love, light, and care,
P.S. As I've shared before, part of my justice work is serving on the worship team for our local Unitarian Universalist community (a justice-focused non-churchy church).